Know Your Rights
The Greenfield Union School District is committed to the success of all students and believes that every school site should be a safe and welcoming place for all students and their families irrespective of their citizenship or immigration status. District staff will not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members or provide assistance with immigration enforcement at district schools, except as may be required by state and federal law. (Education Code 234.7)
No student shall be denied equal rights and opportunities nor be subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying in the district's programs and activities on the basis of his/her immigration status. (Education Code 200, 220, 234.1)
The Greenfield Union School District shall notify parents/guardians regarding their children's right to a free public education regardless of immigration status or religious beliefs and their rights related to immigration enforcement. (Education Code 234.7)
Unless authorized by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act pursuant to 20 USC 1232g, student information shall not be disclosed to immigration law enforcement authorities without parental consent, a court order, or a judicial subpoena. The Superintendent or designee shall annually notify parents/guardians that the district will not release student information to third parties for immigration enforcement purposes unless the parent/guardian consents or as required to do so by a court order or judicial subpoena. Upon receiving any verbal or written request for information related to a student's or family's immigration or citizenship status, district staff shall:
- Notify the Superintendent or designee about the information request
- Provide students and families with appropriate notice and a description of the immigration officer's request
- Document any request for information by immigration authorities
- Provide students and parents/guardians with any documents provided by the immigration enforcement officer, unless such disclosure is prohibited by a subpoena served on the district or in cases involving investigations of child abuse, neglect, or dependency
Resources and data collected by the district shall not be used, directly or by others, to compile a list, registry, or database of individuals based on national origin, immigration status, religion, or other category of individual characteristics protected against unlawful discrimination. (Government Code 8310.3)
Responding to the Detention or Deportation of Student's Family Member
The Superintendent or designee shall encourage students and their families to update their emergency contact information as needed throughout the school year and to provide alternative contacts, including an identified trusted adult guardian, in case a student's parent/guardian is detained or is otherwise unavailable. The Superintendent or designee shall notify students' families that information provided on the emergency cards will only be used in response to specific emergency situations and not for any other purpose. District employees shall also encourage all students and families to learn their emergency phone numbers and be aware of the location of important documentation, including birth certificates, passports, social security cards, physicians' contact information, medication lists, lists of allergies, and other such information that would allow the students and families to be prepared in the event that a family member is detained or deported.
In the event that a student's parent/guardian is detained or deported by federal immigration authorities, the Superintendent or designee shall release the student to the person(s) designated in the student's emergency contact information or to any individual who presents a caregiver's authorization affidavit on behalf of the student. The Superintendent or designee shall only contact child protective services if district personnel are unable to arrange for the timely care of the student by the person(s) designated in the emergency contact information maintained by the school or identified on a caregiver's authorization affidavit.
The Superintendent or designee shall notify a student whose parent/guardian was detained or deported that the student continues to meet the residency requirements for attendance in a district school, provided that the parent/guardian was a resident of California and the student lived in California immediately before he/she moved out of state as a result of the parent/guardian's departure. (Education Code 48204.4)
More information regarding parent and student rights as they pertain to Immigration Enforcement can be found in the materials below: