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Greenfield Union Dedicated to Children

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Statewide Earthquake Drill // Simulacro de Terremoto

The entire state of California will participate in the annual Great California Shake Out on Thursday, October 19th.
However, due to specific scheduling conflicts at GFUSD, our district will participate in this drill on Friday, October 20th at 10:20 a.m.
This is an opportunity where all our schools, including employees at the district office, get to practice what to do in case of an earthquake during school hours.
We hope this is the perfect reminder for you to update or get your earthquake readiness kit at home and at work. To learn more visit
For information on earthquake preparedness you can visit 

¡El día internacional "ShakeOut" este año será el 19 de octubre¡

Debido a algunos conflictos de horarios, el distrito GFUSD participará en este evento el viernes 20 de octubre a las 10:20 de la mañana.

Todas nuestras esculeas, incluso el personal dentro de las oficinas del distrito, participarán en un simulacro de terremoto para poner en practica las tacticas y procedimientos que deben suceder en caso de un terremoto real.

Para aprender más, visite